Boldness takes courage, but courage is what it takes to instil trust in your professional and personal relationships. Make yourself vulnerable, give trust then receive it and reap the rewards in your workplace or home place.
We all have beliefs about "the best way to do things". We all stand on a moral platform - whether we realise it or not - and this platform influences the way we live, make decisions and interact with the world. In this clip I reflect on my own moral platform and how it influences all the advice I give about how to navigate complex personal and professional relationships.
We can learn more than just tennis from Roger and Rafa. Here I reflect on the beauty of being genuine, and how attractive it is. Don't put on an act, and let your light shine!
Phones phones phones! My phone is such a distraction to me at times. It disrupts and impacts the level of my contentment with my time, not to mention decreases my ability to interact with those around me. Are you content with your time, or are you always looking for something "more"?
Many of us lead busy lives. Mindfulness in the moment can help us find enjoyment in the mundane things of life, rather than wishing our lives away in the hope of better things to come.
The use of labels is sometimes helpful..... and sometimes not. In this short clip I talk about how ill equipped labels are to help us when we think about using them for others or in our interpersonal relationships.
Making ourselves vulnerable doesn't come naturally - our first instinct is to protect ourselves. But sometimes there's nothing we need to protect ourselves from except our own self doubt and criticism.
Making ourselves vulnerable doesn't come naturally - our first instinct is to protect ourselves. But sometimes there's nothing we need to protect ourselves from except our own self doubt and criticism.
Sometimes conflict in teams can be caused by personality differences, rather than deliberate intention to harm. What are the personalities and values of those around you that differ to your own?
Who's in control?
Are you? Or do external circumstances - of which you have no control over - rule your life? Here I talk about how you can use your emotional intelligence to take control of your daily life and steer your life in the direction YOU want to go. |
A lesson from the dentist! The impact of some time spent considering somebody else's perspective.
The wellbalance preface - the message I want everyone I ever speak to, to understand!
What does wellbalance mean? The theory behind the business name.
Forgiveness. Choosing not to can wreck your life. Why it's important for you, and why it doesn't diminish the severity of the situation or pain caused.
Can you admit your mistakes for your own good? In this clip I talk about the benefits, self and other respect, that can be earned by acknowledging our mistakes.
Confront, don't avoid, difficult conversations. But do it in a proactive, non-aggressive and structured way.